May 13, 2024

Cash Roll Recordz

Home of The Cash Roll Criminalz

Did you try your best?

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“I tried my best”, “We tried our best” “We did the best we could do “

The other day my team and I worked together to fill baskets for some families who were having a difficult time, or just rebuilding their life after difficult times.  My team is probably the most kind hearted people I could of ever imagined teaming up with. The willingness to give, to love, to see others smile with no get back is a genuine trait. As the week went on and I saw other people giving back to the community, and helping those who could use it, I began to wonder “Are we doing enough?” I watched Lowklass Lingos give out boxes of food. I saw another guy give out 100 turkeys and then give away free pizzas, I saw organizations team up and pay peoples bills, I saw people helping people, giving smiles, encouragement, and uniting people through hope and helpfulness. I sat around pondering of the free time I have, the time I could be utilizing to do something constructive, something that could be beneficial for someone else. Time is the most valuable product we have in life, I call it a product because I feel like time is money, time is our main assets that we have in our life, and if we cant find a way to utilize our time in a way that can bring us joy or others joy, than the time is lost and can never be utilized again. I thought about all the time I waste, all the time I let go by doing nothing of value and I thought “Am I trying my best?”. The answer to my question, that I already know the answer to is NO. If someone asks me “can you touch the rim on the goal?”  I’ll say “no” but in reality if I took the time to get a chair, I could easily do it. I can touch the rim, but it would take extra work, and in a digital easy world, I’ve resorted to being average… It made me wonder what is my best?, how do I know if I am doing my best. We helped 4 Families, but why not 5? we gave hope, but maybe someone else was left hopeless is that a failure?  That ultimately brought me to the thought of how failing makes you perform better.. Next time we give back I’ll know that we have to double the value of our time, our time may of only been valued at 4 families this year, but next year it will be 8, which will then require more work and more time, but will add more value to that time which in turn will make our lives richer…
A rich life that doesn’t involve monetary value is a life that imo is greater than any ones life that could be lived. Giving back and Charity is a reward that one keeps for ever, you could never spend that payment it’s always there in your heart. We as people need to stop settling for average, for the fast work and fast finish. There is no second chances when your “doing your best” The problem with doing  your best is you never know if you have done it until the task is over.. and in my experience you have never done your best..
but…. next time I will..

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